Forsaken Space Marine
Played by Garreth
Background - Lorgath finally managed to climb from the rocky crevice from which the explosion had propelled him and the two Marines who he'd been with and he stopped a moment to survey the scene. The mountainous region in which the battle had been fought showed the tell-tale signs of a conflict completed. The enemies had been stripped of anything of worth and as was traditional for the 3rd Company of the Night Reapers Chapter the enemies bodies had all been decapitated. Several of the units Champions were attempting to match the impressive total of their Company Captain but in Lorgath's opinion carrying around a pile of skulls seemed like a waste of effort and he himself usually kept more useful trophies such as the weapons of particularly potent enemies. Judging from the desolation of the scene evidently the rest of his Company had presumed him destroyed in the explosion and hadn't bothered to check to see if he or the two Marines standing next to him might have actually survived.
He could feel his gene modified body attempting to compensate for his injuries but the major problem was the planets corrosive and poisonous atmosphere seeping through the holes in his's machine spirit was flashing warning icons onto his helmet display and was undoubtedly feeling the dishonour that came from being mostly stripped of it's colours by the blast that had incapacitated him. He'd need it repaired soon if he was to survive long enough to get off this piece of shit rock that he was stranded upon as there was absolutely nothing salvageable on any of the bodies around him. It looked increasingly likely that he'd have to climb back down the cliff face and see if either of his recently deceased brother Marines had any equipment worth salvaging.
Lorgath climbed out of the ravine for the 2nd time with a barely functional set of Power Armour (though many of it's sub-systems were now inoperable), a pair of Chainaxes, a battered but functional Great Chain weapon, a Bolt Pistol and ammunition and a handful of Legion Grenades. Further searching acquired for him a Shotgun and enough ammunition for a battle or two just in case of trouble. Now he just needed to get to the landing site and hope that one of the Thunderhawks or the Storm Bird was still there..
The outcropping exploded into fragments as he punched a chunk of it away in frustration. He briefly considered praying to the Emperor and then laughed to himself at the irony of that...his Chapter hadn't done anything but pay lip service to the Imperial creed for thousands of years...The deployment area was empty, his internal Vox was either malfunctioning or there were simply no Night Reapers vessels in range though the fact that his armours bare and fire blackened ceramite was covered in the greyish black dust that seemed to stain everything left on this rock and some may have got into the grill and damaged it. His situation wasn't hopeful...He was now stranded on a piece of crap planet, with no supplies except weapons, no way of calling for help and little to do other than starve to death over a prolonged period...There was nothing to do but to reduce his Power consumption to the absolute minimum and wait in case a billion to one chance of a rescue would was going to be a long, long night.....
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