Hekate The Noble
Space Marine Sorceror
Player - Toby
Background - Hekate the Noble was once a proud Lexicanum of the Iron Snakes Chapter, however this all changed upon the prison world Chryseis.
Then Phratry-Brother Hekate was seconded to the Inquisition to use his psychic abilities to aid Interrogator Lyra Devi in the interrogation and punishment of the foul Heretics within the facility. While plunging deep within the incarcerated Heretics psyches Hekate began to develop a deep sympathy for the prisoners finally realising that the dark thoughts that had plagued him from early childhood were not unique and more depraved thoughts were contained within the Heretics minds. While patrolling the facility the sympathy felt by the Librarian was transformed into outright hatred as he saw the despicable conditions the prisoners were forced to live in, it was from this point that he vowed to release the prisoners to allow them to fulfil their depraved urges and to subject the rest of the Imperium to fates worse than the prisoners suffered at their gaolers hands.
Easily overpowering the guards within the main control building Hekate opened all cell doors and destroyed all psychic wardings within the prison compound allowing the prisoners free reign within the facility; broadcasting the following message across all Vox channels, through the main speaker system and directly into the minds of all souls within the compound:
“Go now my brothers & sisters do as you please, set your gluttonous desires free and do as you please!”
Hearing this outright statement of heresy from the Librarian assembled the remaining guards and made to take back the facility and destroy the rogue psyker. It was in the main dining area where she finally found the Librarian who she immediately engaged in combat. The Interrogator fought bravely, damaging the Heretics psychic hood and taking one of his eyes. The fight was ended when the Librarian grabbed the Interrogator by the throat and threw her down to the baying masses below; “kill that bitch, and make it slow”. It was a full 24 hours later that the Interrogator’s screams finally ceased and she was granted the sweet release of death.
A month passed before retribution came for the psyker, who had come to rule the anarchic prison, his deliverance coming in the form of the Kareretyer, an Iron Snakes Frigate bearing the Notable Squad Damocles. Damocles split into pairs to hunt for the rogue psyker around the compound, this however turned into their undoing as it left Phratry-Brothers Dyognes and Natus alone and vulnerable to the attacks of the Librarian who then slew both brothers before heading to the facilities space port to escape. In the space port the librarian was intercepted by Phratry-Brother Andromak and Apothecary Khiron, Hekate slew Andormak and badly wounded Khiron before boarding the Iron Snakes waiting Thunderhawk and making for the Kareretyer. Commandeering the Kareretyer Hekate made for the system jump point where he was once again attacked, this time by the Interrogator Devi’s vessel that had retreated and been in wait since the beginning of the uprising. The larger, better armed marine vessel powered past the Interrogator’s vessel leaving it stranded, but not before the smaller ship caused grave damage to the Kareretyer’s warp drives.
The damage sustained by the Kareretyer forced it to drop out of the warp at the most inauspicious time, as it appeared around the Shrine-World of Palset at the same time as an Inquisitorial Prison Ship which found no trouble overpowering the already damaged Astartes Vessel and taking Hekate the Noble, as he had come to be known to the freed prisoners upon Chryseis, into custody via the underhand use of Psychic Blanks
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